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How many world leaders whose pay !!!!! If you will be surprised!

Control of the whole world that the leaders do not need to increase their power. But that curiosity arises, leaders in the world, how much? However, it can be said that the more power the more he must pay. Because they paid people in the state. This report highlights some of the world leaders for the readers of the annual calculation of income are as follows:

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in 13 lakh 80 thousand rupees

Chinese President Xi jinapim: 17 lakh

Indian Prime Minister Narendra modi: 3 lakh 73 thousand rupees

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff Salary: Rs 94 lakh

Russian President Vladimir Putin, center: 1 crore 6 lakh

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in: 1 crore 58 lakh

British Prime Minister David Cameron, center: 1 crore 68 lakh

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, center: 1 crore 77 lakh

German Chancellor Angela Merkel in: 1 crore 83 lakh

US President Barack Obama in 3 crore 13 lakh

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Loong Sein Salary: Rs 13 crore 31 lakh

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